William Weiss Interiors Studio


No Trister but Tefillin-Ken was there.

Kevin really got the setlist backwards this week because the ? Neil Young Song doesn't belong in the second set but in the trash.   All truth aside.  It was a freaky week as they all tend to be. If nothing else, that is our montra.  There was no Trister as he decided to visit the Washington after a pretty bad snow storm.  I assume he was drinking brandy and snowboarding down Caiptol Hill.  To fill in, Ken, or as I call him, Tefillin-Ken, arrived for much of the second set.  Michael B. was also there for a listen and twirl as he's getting ready to push his Larry Keel Experience on us all.  Check out the page I set up for that with real audio examples of this bluegrass band.  Remember, he's playing Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights.  Michael got there a bit late and only caught the later chasari.

Larry had his new and improved Sennheiser microphone and that whole PA thing seems to keep getting better.   Kevin put a nice touch on it.  Johnny's doing his singing thing and enjoying it.   Bom-Bom-Booms to the jam.  There seem to be a plethora of microphones in the room.  Johnny thinks Larry was perturbed by his antics during the latter mischigos, but it was probably my drumming and Dave's guitar playing.  But hey we were jamming after a freaky halftime, Tefillin-Ken was fillining with some good grooves havin' fun and there it is.  You give a little you take a little.  My drumming was damn good at times.  Just a reminder, Scott get into the Playin'-10, It's there, it's the truth. Believe in it.   Don't forget, don't get lazy when you do it.  Get into it, it's something worth getting into, besides, it's your responsibility.

My highlights were the Love Each Other, Tom Thumb, Straw and   Honky Tonk Woman.  My sound was never worse as I get sucked into some horrible squeeling of my uncontrolable devices.  My greatest apologies for all those near.    Something's not right in there.  Yeah, I know Kevin, it's me.  I actually had some cool slide sounds coming out during the Tom Thumb.  I guess I have to break a thound eggs to make a two egg omlette.

We had Pizza and stuff, apparently there were some messed up items but my salad was Deiliciozo.  It was cold shortly after the bad snow.  Actually not too bad.  I assume we'll be hit worse soon.

Till next Tuesday when everything's gonna be the same.