Carroll's 55th Street


Five on Monday

It being holiday season and all, it is difficult to synchronize our schedules to get jams in but we were able to coordinate on an early-in-the-week Monday.? This meant little time between the last week?s jam and this week?s but a quick jam is certainly better than no jam at all.? With that said, we were able to get all five of us together to pull off the Deadstein experience. Kevin quickly blew out the Fender high-end portion of his amplifier system and replaced it with a Vox combo - seen to the right.? It then gave him no problems for the rest of the night.? Scott was also really digging the sound of his drum kit.? Alan and I had our normal Twin reverbs though mine by the end of the night was giving off some micro-tubular whinings to the point that I had to swap it out for a fresh amp.? You see, it is not just our minds and body?s that can?t make it through these marathon jams, but it is the equipment that struggles also. About five songs into the first set our only guests for the night appeared who were Rob, Miriam and a new comer, David Firestone, I believe his name-tag said.? Miriam was sporting an over-the-top fragrance that over-took the fragrance of the room to the point that I commented that it smelled like a Bar Mitzvah in the room, for whatever that meant.? This was not a normal smell for Deadstein with all its femininity and all. Since we have been basking in the glory of the 12-5-71 tribute jam we played two weeks ago by playing a large bunch of short songs last week, I decided this week I would once again take an opposite approach.? This was to start the night with a bunch of spacier songs.? This would get our space songs played while we still had energy and enthusiasm to play them as well as keeping us playing at the beginning of the night in big chunks so we didn?t take so many breaks. ??I figured this may pay dividends later on in the evening.? It is hard to say if it worked because both Scott and Alan were having trouble getting through the finish line.? As a matter of fact, we played an Attics of My Life as a finishing line move up to make it easier on Scott.? Alan was already packed and ready to go by then.? I have to say, Kevin was going strong at that moment though and we ended up doing a pretty cool 3 piece Attics. ? Maybe an Eyes --> Estimated --> Don't Let Go bast-off opener is just a little too much to recover from, but it was a fun start nevertheless. One jam to go for 2011.? 2012 should have some fun weeks as I relive some of the 30-year anniversary jams that will occur commemorating some of those great 1982 shows that are so near and dear to my heart.? Happy?Hanukkah?to all and my you have miraculous unlimited oil for your candles. While out song-count didn't go past 20 like the previous two week, we managed 16 strong ones. ?If you want to give them a listen, please use the links below.