Carroll's 55th Street


Whole band is playing strong w/ Donna for the 1st set.

Wednesday night, or "Woo'sday" night as we have been euphemistically calling it, and the entire band was back together, including Donna D. for a portion of the first set. I we were there early and ready to jam. Kevin was itching to go by 7:40 and Lee had gotten to Carroll's hours earlier so no one wanted to wait for 8:00 pm to start. It should be noted that Lee came toting a giant frozen apple pie which we began to woof-down by halftime.

Lee suggested a Halfstep. He kind of was challenging me saying I really didn't like to play it; he's right you know, so we played it and it was really strong. From the first few notes we knew it was going to be a pretty good jam. The sound was good in the room and this lead to some well played music. The Halfstep had a good long powerful Rio Grande-O lead and felt good. We then went to a 2nd set mode in the first with an Estimated -> Eyes with the whole 1974 Eyes ending. That was pretty good. Sure there were rough spots, but there were comforting sweet spots. The Eyes jam ends in Dm and naturally segued us into a Shakedown Street.

At the close of the Shakedown, Donna came in and we went into a nice set working with her until the end of the first set. We did some songs she really didn't know but easy ones to try to jump in on the harmonies. Row Jimmy was a good example of such a song as was the Forever Young. I think we did pretty well on that one.

We took a standard halftime break, saying good-bye to Donna, eating the apple pie, making our obligatory phone calls,etc. Then we got going again shortly after 10:30. For the second set Ryan jumped in and sat in for Lee and Scott for a song a piece, so we got some of that going with the Candyman and something else. As a matter of fact, Ryan was our only guest, with the exception of Scott Bayer who came in later on in the night and video taped a song or two?

Midnight hit us pretty quickly as the passage of time cannot be stopped, either in music or life. We were about to leave at the last song and Ryan goaded us into playing one last song, You can say an encore and we gave him a Quin the Eskimo to go home with.